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Due today Cocker Spaniel?

18 11:56:50

QUESTION: Hi My Cocker Spaniel maybe 63 days pregnant today (from day of first mate) she's put on a bit of weight and we can see/feel one lump. This is sometimes on her right side lower abdomen, sometimes on her left sometimes not there at all.  We have never actually seen it moving.  Is this a pup?


First how many days was she bred?  You may still have a few days left.

When palpating for a pup, you have the female stand and gently push up on her stomach with your fingers towards her ribcage.   The kidneys can feel like a pup. At with the pups safely ensconced in their sac's, you might not see them moving.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Aw thanks for that we keep feeling around when she's lied on her back. There is lots of information on the net but not all of it is clear and can leave us feeling confused.  We left her at the stud house all weekend from friday.  They did not tie but penetrated at least once on each day.  Im also led to believe that sperm can live inside for several days so even if ovulation is not on day of mating it can still work.  she is very sleepy all the time and wants cuddling too, constantly under the feet.  She is also off her food is this ok? she will eat little amounts if hand fed a friend said that if the pups are lied on her stomach then this could be the course? Thank you so much for your help.

Sperm can live 72 hours and eggs take 7 days to mature.

I find, that a female that is ready to whelp goes off her food.  Although my girls will take a small piece of meat occasionally.

Make sure you have a whelping box and area where she can safely and comfortably whelp her litter. You'll want lots of old towels for clean up.

Good luck!!