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Boston terier in heat

18 13:30:31

QUESTION: My boston started bleeding on sat the 17th but maybe friday night. Now its the 20th and she is swollen but yesterday she was more and the day before she was not so much. Does this swelling go up and down. And do I still try on the 9th day (I will be keeping the stud for a week) She is still breeding dark red. Do you think all sounds normal or could she had been early without bleeding? She had been humping for about 1 week but NO blood or sweeling till about 3 or days ago. Thanks Does the swelling increase later?

ANSWER: Hi Angel

Typically you wait to breed until after the bleeding.  So if she started bleeding on the 17th, you would start mating her around the 27th to the 3rd.

Not to worry all sounds good and normal, and the swelling can increase and decrease.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello we recieved the stud on Sat the 24th they tied and once every 24 hours after... so they have tied 3 times. The stud is 2 years old. My question is...How sucessful do you think it was? she tied on the 8th day 9th and 10th after the bleeding was first saw. Im so excited! I have the stud for another 5 days should I let them keep mating. Thanks Angel

There is a very good chance that she took.

It's important to remember that it takes a week for the eggs to mature and sperm stays viable for 24 hours.  

You can keep mating them once a day until the female doesn't stand for the male any longer.

Good luck!