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Mini Pin not tying up

18 13:30:58

I have a 14 month old Mini Pin she came into heat about 10 days I have read in other questions that it is usually the 7 thru the 14 day that they are fertile but my male mounts her but does not really come in contact to what he needs to come into contact with.  Plus she is not really showing any sign that she wants him to have anything to do with her this is both of them first time.  So I understand the beginners might not know what they need to be doing but I really want them to be successful at this so could you tell me what I need to do to maybe help them out.  I have held her once but she was not very happy about it he however they did get tied up.  But, just not sure that one time is enough to take to make her pregnant.  Please let me know what I should do.  Thanks

Hi Jessica

It's the blood that's getting the male all worked up.  It's best to keep them separated until you plan on doing the breeding.  Too much contact prior to the actually breeding can be frustrating to both and exhausting.   Also, if the pair live together 24/7 there is a chance the female just won't be interested.

Now that's it the 10th day, try separating them for 24 hours and then bring them together.   

And, as my Momma always says.... "once is enough".

Good luck