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How can you tell if she is whelping

18 11:56:17

I have a Chihuahua she is 2 years old and I don't know when she got hooked with my little male Chihuahua, she was milk in now and her temp is 99.1 and she is not eating anything at all, and just sleeping allot. she not getting up to go out side to go potty or anything just laying there sleeping her breathing is a little fast but not panting. can you give me some advice. Thank you Sincerely Ronnie

sounds like she may be in prelabor. make sure before she starts hard labor that she does go outside to go to the bathroom. i would just sit back and rub her belly if she will let you. it does sound like everything is going in order but cant be too sure what time or how long before contractions will start because every dog is different. you should notice some discharge the day before she goes into labor it will probably be a light green color. i really hope this helps and good luck!