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seperating mother and pups.

18 13:32:47

hi. my dogs pups are just over 5 weeks old. just wondering what age i can leave them away from their mother overnight. i close her in a pen with them at night. she isnt really interested in feeding them much anymore.they have been on solids for over a week now and all are feeding very well(they have the solids 2 to 3 times a day).i always leave them fresh water. the only time the mum wants to go in there is when she knows i am feeding them as she wants to steal their food.or when they poop to clean it up. the last litter(1 year ago) she stopped eating their poo once i put them on solids but is still eating it from this litter.last litter she had 5 pups but has had 7 this basically how often should i put her in the pen and make her feed the pups.should i just put her in a few times a day. should i give the pups some puppy formula or are they old enough to just have mum a few times a day, or just water and solids.sorry for the long story, and thanks in advance, leanne.

Hi. They're plenty old enough now that if mom doesn't want to stay with them at night anymore, that's ok. Let her have her space. At this age, I try to start weaning. If mom wants to nurse them a couple of times a day, then I'd let her. However, I'd let them eat puppy food soaked in water. Over the next week or so, lessen the times that mom nurses them. If she's not wanting to even nurse them now at all, I wouldn't force that either. I'd just go ahead and wean them. Good luck!