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hernias in puppies

18 13:43:35

hi Cindi:

I have been given a puppy Shih Tzu/Yorkie cross and she appears to have two hernias (One umbilical and one groin).  Is this anything to be concerned about or can i wait until I spay her to get these fixed?  She is doing well,all the body functions are happening with regularity and she is very playful, so I don't think they are bothering her.

Hi Linda
You can have them both repaired when you have her spayed.
MOST of the time they are not troublesome and go away as they grow, or can wait for repair when spaying. However, sometimes they can be dangerous and even fatal,. That being said, I would have a vet examine baby just to be sure that she's safe and not in any danger. He will advise as to whether you should wait until she is old enough to spay to have them repaired.
These are almost always congenital defects.
Here's a website that will explain them more thoroughly for you.
Blessings and happy holidays