Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > terrier terrier

18 12:00:18

my boston is preg.her temp i has been rangeing from 98.7 to 96.7 the last 2 -3 days..last night she was reatless and digging eating normally i want to say she is over due by at least 2-3 days..babies dropped last night i can feel them way low..what should i do

Hi Teresa

A whelping box or area where she can raise her pups comfortably and quietly is what she needs.  Line it with old towels, sheets or newspaper for her to nest in.

The waiting is always the hardest but short walks around the yard will help get things moving and positioned (remember to bring a towel in case she births one outside).  

As long as she not straining, panting and pushing with no result, just sit back and let Mother Nature do her thing.

Good luck