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Can stud meet his puppies?

18 13:42:58

My dog just had puppies 2 weeks ago.  I am also the owner of the male dog.  I've heard that the male can never meet the puppies because he will eat them, is this true?  If not when can I introduce the male to his puppies?  Will the male meeting his puppies cause stress for the female?

Hi Tanya. I would wait until the pups are about 4-5 weeks old before introducing them. Let them get a tad bit older, and by this age mom may not be so protective of them. At two weeks old, they're still really young, and shouldn't be exposed to other dogs yet. It will stress mom out if you do it this early. Wait a few more weeks, and then try. If mom's freaks out, then either remove her to a different room, or try again later. If the dad seems the least bit anxious or aggressive, then remove them promptly.