Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 62 Day pregnant dog.... Found some discharge

62 Day pregnant dog.... Found some discharge

18 13:26:41

QUESTION: Hi, My dog is a jackrussel terrier mixed with cockerspaniel(i think) i know the mother is full blodded JR. Well she is now at an estimated 62 days pregnant and  when she went to pee Friday (day 60) a clear string of mucus followed and ever since then  i have been noticing  it on  her "area" .Today  i left home for a little while to run some quick errands and when i returned  there was a spot of  dark yellow discharge with a couple of black or dark brown spots in it . When i wiped it up it wasn't like pee it was more like a watery mucus. Also i should note  that i found a bit more than usual and thick spot of mucus on my carpet in my closet last wed or so . None of the stuff I've found so far has an odor  nor does it have blood in it. So i was wondering if you could tell me what all this mucus is that i keep finding all over my floor and carpet? She isn't acting like she's ready to nest or anything either,  does this  only happen when they are hours away from delivering or is she supposed to  have already been nesting? This is her first pregnancy by the way and she is  almost 2 years old.  

 Thank you in advance for any help :)

 Have a great day :)

ANSWER: Hi. It sounds like it's her mucus plug, dogs lose it 24 -48 hours before whelping usually. However, it's normally clear, milky, or even streaked with pink. I would put a call in to the vet just to be on the safe side. Any colored discharge needs to be looked at. good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  Thanks , i called the vet already today just to be on the safe side b4 i got your answer  and they said it sounded fine . She told me to just  keep a close eye on her as today is day 63 ,and she said do not let her go over 5 days of this so i am hoping she has them tomorrow morning!! She is showing no sings of labor or stress and the vet said this is also  ok  but again not to let her go 5 days over. Do you agree with this? I can feel the puppies moving alot now , really strange that i couldn't feel them before , but they are super active now :)Oh yeah and her milk is finally in too!! So should be really soon now right?

You did the right thing by calling the vet.:-) It sounds like she should be going in to labor soon, very soon. Most people get nervous if they go past 65 days, but I have known them to safely go past the 65 day mark. Just keep a really good eye on her. If you see a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, get her to the vet. Good luck, let me know how it goes!