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General Breeding Question

18 13:40:27

Can you tell me whether a bitch is likely to have any health difficulties especially relating to the womb, if she doesn't have any puppies.

I know people talk about allowing the bitch to have "just one litter" before spaying!

Hi Ann:

There is absolutely NO truth to that "old wives tale!" In my opinion, any dog, whether it's male or female, is far better off being spayed or neutered as early as possible. Not only does this prevent many possible health threats, such as cancer of the reproductive organs, complications from breeding, pregnancy & whelping, etc. but I also believe the animal is much more content & happier - since they don't have the innate urge to breed (that instinct is so engrained within them) & don't have to endure the stress & anxiety associated with not being able to breed, they are far more relaxed. A myriad of behavioral improvements are also something to consider since an altered dog is less likely to act on urges, is generally less aggressive & tends to be more emotionally stable. Statistics prove time & time again that dogs who are spayed or neutered live longer lives & have less health concerns. I'm including a few links for your review. I hope this helps!