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my staffordshire & her pups

18 11:59:51

QUESTION: Hello Joyce,
Im not sure if you remmeber me & my questions! most proberly not, as u have many, many questions from all over! :)

Anyways, My staff has her pups last nyt till arnd 5am this morn, total of 9 but 1 was a stillborn.
she was really licking them alot, but in the end we left her to do it. Let nature do its buisness!

But now, shes alseep with some of them asleep or sucking on her, since early hours.
But i was wondering, what should i do for her food, because wouldnt she need to eat? to keep up her energy, & nutriets?
Would puppy food be good for her?

& also, what about the puppies? Are they ok just on her milk?
When should i move them onto other food, or other milk, or what?? :S

& What about walking her? Should i leave her? When is the best time to walk her?

Thankyou for taking your time out to help me!


ANSWER: Hi Hannah Jane

Of course I remember you.   Your female should be on a good quality puppy food. High in fat and protein.  I would also mix in meat and eggs.   NO MILK!!!

The pups only need momma's milk.  Milk or food will hurt their digestive system which can only process dam's milk at this age. Remember they have no teeth.

She won't want to go for walks this early after having pups.  She'll still need to be outside to do her business but more often, as she ingesting all the pups waste too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks for your reply. My stepdad had heard from a family member to give my dog milk as she was not drinking water so she has had some milk these last few days...!!

& also in the last 15mins now she has been acting really weird, running around frantic, looking for somewhere, making alot of noises like she did during the birthing process. She has now got into the box we used for the puppies when she was giving birth to the pups, & is stratching at the newspaper. I have just checked on her again, she is now in her bed with the pups & is stratching at everything in there!
What is the reason for this behaviour? Could she actually give birth again so late? What can i do?
Im getting really quite worried..
Could this be due to the milk she has been getting?

Thankyou for your help.
Hannah-Jane x

Milk will give your female diarrhea and she will become dehydrated.  Ice cubes are better.

The pups are safer in the whelping box.  If you have the pups on a dog bed, you may want to return them to the whelping box.  Your female is wanting to move her pups to a safer location.