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How to tell ?

18 13:47:54

QUESTION: Hello Joyce,
I was just wondering how do you tell the difference between a false pregnancy and a real one without taking my dog to the vet as i can not afford it.  
If she was breed on the 24 of may when is she due.  :) Thank you so much for all your help

ANSWER: Hi Jenn -- it depends when she was ovulating.  If she took on the day she was bred then you can expected pups July 26th or shortly there after.

What is her breed?  Larger breeds have more room to hide pups.  The only way to tell the difference between is a false and real pregnancy is the end result.

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thank you so much for the help.
She is a Shitzoo Poodle and i think i can feel the puppy  but I am not sure as I have no clue what I am looking for. Any how can you tell me how many puppy this breed might have I am looking for a ball pack answer I now you cant tell for sure without a X-ray Thank you very much your answer helped me very allot :)

No there is no way to tell how many or if she has any.  You can certainly try and feel around...but what feels like a pup could be a kidney.  

What did you breed her with?  How many was in her litter?  Is this her first litter, and did you catch her when she ovulated?  If an x-ray is out of the question, you'll have to do it the old fashion way....and wait.

Good luck.