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puppies or no puppies

18 13:49:20

I have a 3 year old Italian greyhound Female. I took her to the vet yesterday To see if she is going to have puppies he just felt her And he think that she is not going to have puppies. But I think she is going to have puppies. She is more aggressive to my stud. She has gained wight. Her tits are bigger. What do you think?
p.s this will be her first litter.

Thank you

Hi Lindsay...

In my opinion, just copping a feel will not accurately tell if your female is indeed pregnant.  It requires an x-ray or ultra-sound after 45 days. A progesterone test will also determine if she's expecting.  Progesterone levels in false-pregnant females is the same as normal females.

Did you witness a tye or mating?  You female could be experiencing a false pregnancy.  She will show all the physical and behavioral signs and symptoms associated with true pregnancy. False pregnancy happens 6 - 10 weeks after estrus.   Increased body fat, especially in the abdomen, enlarged breasts, and her nipples may secrete a clear or brownish fluid and or milk.  Some females go so far as to build a nest and experience cramps.  Some become attached to small toys and objects. Others vomit off and on and become depressed and develop diarrhea.

I would recommend that you request the either the x-ray, ultra-sound or progesterone test to ease your mind.

Good luck