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breeding sm dogs

18 13:40:58

Hi Cindi,

Hope you can help.  I have a male 6 yr old shizoo poodle mix and am trying to mate him with a friends 1yr old female of the same breed. Walter & Sophie.  It's Sophies' 2nd heat. Walter has never been bred before and  its her first time too.  She is presenting and he's mounting however they are not locking. Anything I can do to help them?  They get tired out and go take naps!  Maybe I'm being impatient.  Help!   Des

Separate them Desiree. Put them together once in the morning and once in the evening if there is no tie in the morning. For a limited amount of time. He will lose interest and stop trying if you don't. If there IS a tie, skip a day before putting them together again.
if she has not reached her 13th day of cycle , she is not ready to breed.
You also might try holding her for him if she is exhibiting standing behavior. Sit on the floor and put her over your knee or leg, this way you can lift  or shift her as needed.
Good luck with your babies :)