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Whelping chihuahua?? Temp concerns?

18 11:58:42

Ok so my chihuahua is I believe in prelabor she is panting digging and trying to get comfortable...her temp was at 98.1 at 6:00 and now at 7:30 went back up to this normal...she has alot of dischrage on the inside of her box where her but rubs against it.....I just wanna know about how long before she has pups...

Hi Jaime

You can't time Mother Nature.  It could be any minute or in a few hours.   

With Chi's especially, if she's panting and pushing without any success, you may want to contact your vet.  Don't let her go too long (no more than 2 hours) before you see a pup. Being a smaller bred, they have a higher risk of c-sections.  

Good luck