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Verbal breeding contract

18 11:58:21

I agreed to breed my female with sperm saved from a friends dead male dog so the male owner could carry on her males line. I did this as a favor to her not because I wanted to breed me dog again. The verbal agreement was the would get pick of the litter, she wanted a male, and she would pay all vet related expenses for the artificial breeding and any delivery expenses as she decided she wanted me to have my dog have a c-section for delivery even though she had delivered naturally with her last litter and help me with cost of bringing puppies up and help me find suitable new owners.The day the pups were born she stated she had decided she wanted 2 puppies
( a male and a female)I never agreed to this change in our agreement ( we had 9  live pups). She received her male pick of the litter and is now threatening me through an attorney to sue me unless I pay her $5000.. $1500 for what she claims fair market value of puppy, (of note 3 pups sold for $1200, 4 for $900 and 1 for $800) and the cost of c-section and damages suffered by her. My question is should I hire an attorney or does she have to stick with the original VERBAL agreement? WE have no contract in writing except I have a signed contract for the sale of the puppy from the litter to her stating payment for puppy was payment for stud and breeding fee...which she singed.....

The number one reason we don't stud out or use outside males.  Everything has to be in writing and conversely you do own the dog, they are your property.

Check with the laws in your community, but she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Good luck