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18 13:34:05

Hi I have 2 staffies, my dog is 15 months called Bandit and my bitch is 9 months called Zuki, she has been bleeding for 2 weeks but it does look like its coming to the end, but i'm a little concerned as they have both been very good around each other up till now, yesterday and today my dog wont leave her alone and to be honest she is as bad, i've had to separate them, but he keeps crying, once the bleeding has stopped is there still a time when she can get pregnant, and will he calm down once its finished

Hi Terrie. The heat cycle lasts 3 weeks. Since they are both willing at this point to breed, definitely keep them a part. I'd keep them seperated until she does stop bleeding (or three weeks after she started her heat cycle). At that point, she can no longer get pregnant. He may still act up for a day or two when they are brought back together simply because he may still smell a dog in heat. This shouldn't last long and he should calm down soon.