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Standard Poodle Pregnancy

18 13:28:01

Hi Renee
MY Standard Poodle, Leva, 3 years old is now pregnant for the 2nd time. During her 1st pregnancy she experienced the "Fading Puppy Syndrome" 3 of 7 beautiful puppies survived. Will it/can it happen again? Is there anything that we can do to prevent it or is it in the genes? Thank you. Marieta

Hi. Fading puppy is a term used for when puppies die for no apparent reason. There may had been a reason the last litter died, we just didn't know what it was. Make sure the pups are kept clean and warm and well hydrated. What I wished we could have done before she started her heat would be to put her on a low dose of antibiotics just in case she had had a slight bacterial infection last time. After the pups are born, if one seems even just a bit off, get it to the vet and ask for it to be checked for an infection. If herpes was the cause last time, you'll want to keep the pups warm. This is just about all you can do. Good luck!