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Breeding a Fox Terrier

18 13:43:59

Hello Renee,
I have a 2 year old Toy Fox Terrier that is used to being the baby of my house. She shakes when it Rain, Thunders, or any loud noises. I recently purchased a Male Chihuhua that is now a little under a year and I had planned on having him fixed. My Terrier went into Heat 4 weeks ago and now is having puppies. She is not eating on a normal pattern as she usually does sometimes she eats small amounts and other times large amounts she just wants to lay around all the time and sleep. I do not know the first thing about breeding dogs so this is all new to me. Also both my dogs are pretty small about 8 pounds or so...and when she gives birth how to I go about this? I worry because she is so timid and it seems like she doesn't understand whats going on or not dealing with it the way a dog should. Please help.

Thank You,


Hi Suzette. I hate to say this, don't take it the wrong way, but it can be harder on what's called 'spoiled house dogs'. You say she doesn't know what's going on, but her instincts should kick in when those puppies come. If they don't, be prepared to care for them. And let me tell you, it's a 24/7 job! She may completely surprise you, and whelp like a champ. She sounds like she's having normal pregnancy symptoms. Most dogs won't eat large meals the further along they get. As the pups grow, the uterus crowds the stomach, making large meals uncomfortable. If she's happy with smaller meals, then so be it. You do need to make her get some exercise. It can be really hard on a dog during whelp if their not in good condition. The puppies can grow too big if mom gets too fat. The exercise will help her muscles during whelping, and maybe she won't need a c-section. You have about 5 more weeks to go. In a few weeks, get her a box in a quiet area ready. I'll find some of my best whelping web sites so you can get an idea what to expect. And to see what you'll need to have handy. You're going to have to get a little tough on your girl to prepare her for what's to come. Take her for walks, don't carry her no matter how much she begs. Seriously, she really needs some exercise. You'll only be hurting her in the long run if you give in. Dogs will surprise you. Even the smallest dogs can be tough. I'll find those web sites for you later tonight or in the morning. I'll have to find them. My son rearranged my favorites on my computer.