Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Dog/labor/whelping


18 13:29:03

My dog is between 67-70 days pregnant..confirmed by vet. She was due last week but I know she can go over the due date. She has some clear, slimy stuff coming from her vagina. Her temp dropped on Sunday and I thought she would have the pups within 24-48 hours.  Today is Thursday and no pups have come yet.  She isn't panting and doesn't act as if she is in labor.  She won't eat dog food but eats a little bit of human food a little at a time.  She just walks around the house sniffing and so forth but nothing abnormal.  Is she having difficulties or is it normal for her temp to drop and pups come later?

Hi April

The thing is because it take the eggs 7 days to mature, she may be right on track and not overdue.

The mucus plug is what you described and is all normal.  Make sure she has a safe a quiet place (a whelping box is best) with old towels and sheets where she can nest and whelp her pups.

Good luck