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my nursing beagle

18 11:58:43

QUESTION: it seems to hurt her when they feed.her nipples are red and sore.  what can i do

ANSWER: Hi Jarrid

How old are the pups?  How many are there?  Are her nipples impacted?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: there are 7 pups, and they were born Jan.17th
and her nipples are VERY sore, have like blood blisters,shes  actually bleeding around the nipples.
Last night and 3 times today, we actually bought some soft can dog food, and fed the pups. They seem to have been ok with that, and i gave them water and they did drink from a bowl.
We are unsure if this is healthy for the pups or not, or if we should even be giving them this??? Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

At 5 weeks old the pups have teeth and nails.  You may want to trim the nails to make sure she's not getting scratch.  

The pups can also be on solid food, canned puppy food is good mixed with kibble, with nursing happening only once or twice a day.

Use a balm on the dam's teats.  You want to keep the clean to ensure infection doesn't set in.

Good luck