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what is this

18 13:43:12

QUESTION: i have a pitbull that has never been bred . she has a thing in her vagina it's red when she's bleeding .then when it's time to bred her it's grey .what is this ? i don't have the money for a vet visit so i really need advice . thank you

ANSWER: Hi Timothy

To formulate an answer I need more information. Does it look like a balloon? Or part of her insides?

It sounds like it could be pyometra.  If that's the case, you can't breed her, number one because it's hereditary and she'll pass the trait on to her off-spring and number two, the chance for a c-section is almost 99%.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes it look like a part of her insides or a ballon  and i can touch it or try to make it come out and she doesn't want me to do that .It's a must that i breed her. how can the male dog mate with her and this thing is inside her ? if she has this is there any chance it could pass her off-spring . are you sure she could not have a normal animal birth . is there anyway to treat pyometra .

Pyometra can only be treated by doing a spay on the female.  There is a 100% chance that she will pass it off to her off-spring.  I am positive that she will have a difficult birth as the pups can't get past it.

Once she is mated, it may push everything inside but it will not stay inside.  You have a greater chance of infection and losing the entire litter and the mother.

If you breed this female you are asking for a world of trouble and vet bills.