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breeding my boston terriers

18 13:34:43

My 17Lb AKC,CKC registered 10 month old female has gone into her second heat. I have been told by her vet that it is ok to breed her by her second heat.  My 20lb CKC registered 17 month old male wants to mate but she wont let him. Now I have been told they are both to young to breed right know, that I need to wait till they are about 2 years old.  Which one is the correct answer?  Also is it possible for a litter of Boston terriers to all be black and white except for 2 and of those 2, 1 be seal and white and the other be brindle and white, and all the puppies in the litter had that short tail but 1, which was the brindle and white and had a long tail.

Hi Laura

Smaller dogs mature quicker however, personally I would still wait until the female is older than a year.  It gives you time to assess her and ensure she is healthy both physically and mentally.

It sounds like the litter you are discribing had either some throw backs of a past dog that had dominant genes or had two sires.  Any of the Terrier breeds have strong genitics and are usually the dominant breed.

Good luck