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help info needed on rescued pregnent small breed dog 11.5 pounds

18 12:00:17

i rescued A small breed dog who is pregnant , i got an Xray done and they think they saw 4 maybe five if they are able to see them in the Xray that was last week 7 days ago so how far along is she know ? if they show up in an Xray a week ago about how much longer do we have ? is there different signs then in a big dog? she has snot like stuff coming out of her vulva for 3 days now , but she is follows be every where and walks around fine,?? help with as much info as possible please , also i know with big dogs they do eat the after birth will she also do the same thing being a small dog is there any extra things i will need to do different help! please thank your so much!!  

Hi Charmian

If pups were visible with x-rays, then the pups would be older than 50 days with the addition of 7 days, you would be close to gestation.   

With the leaking of her mucus plug, that also is an indicator that she is getting ready to whelp.   

Small dogs are the same as big dogs.  The dam will clean and eat the sacs and the need a whelping box or quiet and safe area to whelp.

You didn't mention what breed she was and as you don't know what she was bred with, I would keep your vets number close at hand in case complications arise and a c-section required.

Good luck