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Distressed Bitch

18 13:33:39

Hi, Halle my 3 year old labrador had 8 puppies on Thursday night, Friday morning, 7 survived and 1 was still born.  Friday she seemed to be fine apart from some heavy panting.  I took her to the vet and they checked her over and she was OK.  Saturday morning she started showing sign's of distress.  She was picking up the puppies, putting them all in a corner and sitting down on top of them as if to hide them.  She was jumping in and out of the whelping box.  Picking the puppies up and trying to take them outside.  She is constantly heavy panting.  I took her and the puppies to the vet, he said they were all fine.  Saturday wasnt to bad but about 9am this morning she just seemed so stressed, she was scrapping up the corner of her whelping box, ripping all the paper, picking up the puppies and litterly throwing them into the corner and sitting on them.  She would then pick one up and get out of the box and take it to the door to get out.  We wouldnt let her take them outside.  I called the vet and he said she was insecure and to shut the door and leave her.  The whelping box was in the kitchen.  I moved the box and puppies into my bedroom, shut the curtains and left her in the room.  I could hear the puppies squealing but have just left her. She has dug two big holes in the garden. Please, please can you help with any advise.
Colleen Goodwin

Hi Colleen

Did your vet to x-rays or give her a shot of oxytoxin to ensure that she hasn't retained any pups, placenta's or afterbirth?

What I would do is take all the pups away.  Placing them in a warming box.  Only allow her to milk and clean then when you are there to supervise.  When's she nursing and cleaning, get into the whelping box with her and pet her and reassure her that she's doing a good job.  And when she puts them in her mouth and starts moving them around, give her a stern "NO"!

It's a myth to believe that all females are natural mothers. Mothering is a learned behavior. If this is her first litter, that may explain it.

You can also give her some St. John's Wart, Arnica, or Vitamin B to help calm her down.

Good luck