Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > beagle breeding

beagle breeding

18 13:46:43

QUESTION: hi i am intending to breed my male beagle should i take the male to the female yard or should the female come to the male yard

ANSWER: Hi, you should first try to bring the female to the male. Some males will only bred on his own territory. Others don't really care.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: at what age should i first use the male for breeding

I personally wait untill the male is 2 years old so I can have all of his health tests done before breeding. I realize that people with smaller breeds may start them younger. I've known people to start them as young as 1 year old, but the average is around 1 1/2 year old. I'd suggest talking to your vet.