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puppies absorbed

18 13:29:52

QUESTION: my female pug was 3 weeks pregnant and we got an ultrasound for conformation. after two weeks she stopped gaining weight and so we took her for another ultrasound an found out that the puppies were no longer there. the vet claimed that she had aborted them. but she is still very lazy and refuses to climb up the stairs and is digging what should i do and should we worry? does this mean that she will never have a successful pregnancy? and why does this happen?
please answer my question i am really worried about her

ANSWER: Hi. I'm sorry this happened to your girl. There are a few different things that can cause this: infection or injury just to name a few. It doesn't mean that she will never have a normal litter, but you need to try to figure out what caused this. If it was an infection, you'll need to figure it out so she can be treated for it. Sometimes even a low grade infection can cause problems. If she still acts pregnant, then I would have an ultrasound done after day 50 of the supposed pregnancy just to make sure. Did she ever have a colored discharge?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she never had a colored discharge, the second ultrasound was done around day 45 and the vet claimed that there she had aborted the puppies. but in vets in pakistan are not that that trustworthy so i am really upset because the female is acting pregnant.and what sort of test should be done to detect the infection if any? i am really worried.
and thank you for answering my previous question

If she had had an actual abortion, she would've had some sort of discharge. If she had just absorbed them, then you may have never even known it happened. However, after a certain time, the ultrasound may not pick up the puppies well. This is why I suggest having an x-ray after day 50. The x-ray will pick them up after that day. If she were my girl, I would treat her as if she were pregnant, and prepare for it. Are her breasts getting any bigger? Is she filled out at her sides? Some girls carry high up and won't put on a ton of weight, some girls' sides get rounder but the bottom of her belly doesn't drop. I would treat her as if she were pregnant, and have the x-rays done to make sure. If she's definitely not, then I would ask the vet to do some blood tests to check for any infection. Some breeders will put their dog on a low dose of antibiotcs a few weeks before the dog is due to go into heat. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.