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Standard Poodle Whelping

18 13:27:15

Hi, I have a 3 year old Standard Poodle who is pregnant and we are on day 60 right now.  This is my first time whelping and her second.  I wasn't there for litter number one.  Anyway, my question is, she has been panting all day and digging like crazy.  I have been taking her temp for the past week (overkill?) and she has gone from around 100-101 to the low 99's all day.  I think she is in the first stage of labor. Am I on the right track?  My vet knows her due date, but I am thinking about calling her anyway.  Just to ease my worries.  She has been showing these signs for about 12 hours now, is there a time frame I can expect pups, or should I just be patient (which is really hard because I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!)  Thank you in advance!

Hi Heather

Panting and digging is normal.  Is she off her food too? Because that is a sure sign.

Does she have a whelping box that she can comfortably whelp her litter?  

What you want to watch for is that she's NOT panting, straining and pushing with no end result.  That could mean trouble for the litter and your dam.   If she's just panting and uncomfortable without the straining, that's fine.

You may want to get her some vanilla ice cream.  It helps with contractions providing calcium, keeps her temperature down, keeps her hydrated, and gives you something to do.  Not to much, just a scoop or two.

Whelping for dams is the same as pregnancy for women, some come quickly some take all day, so the best thing to do, is boil water, make a cup of tea, and sit back and wait for Mother Nature to do her thing.

Good luck.