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My Shih Tzus first birth and mine too!

18 13:27:15

My Shih Tzu Libby gave birth to 4 babies Sunday (her's and my first pregnancy). I am concerned her milk might be drying up.  Is there a way to check before I whisk them all to the vet?  Also, when the last baby was born I was in such a state that I cannot  remember if all of the placenta came out.  Is there something to look for on this? It's day 3 and she is still panting a lot.

Hi. I would get her to the vet to see if a placenta was still in there, the panting thing worries me. If you don't, and it's still in there, it can cause a serious infection and even death. The vet will give a shot of oxytocin, this will also help with milk. If the pups are contect, with round bellies, are putting on weight and growing, then they are getting plenty. If they're crying a lot, or wandering around, then I would worry about the milk supply. Please get her to the vet.