Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breeding chihauhau,s

breeding chihauhau,s

18 13:34:53

we have 2 chihauhau,s(both female) who we would eventually like to breed,tinky has just finished her first season and talloula has just started hers,i thought i was doing the right thing by them in leaving them for another year or so before even thinking of breeding them but know ive been told that you should breed them on their first season as there hips lock?

obviously i dont want to breed them as they are still babys but at the same time i want to do right by them i would really appreciate some proffesional advice on this as i love these dogs to bits,and dont want to damage them in anyway

many many thanks in advance for your time

a very worried owner


Hi Julie

Breeding them while they are still pups themselves is never a good idea.  

There fontanels aren't closed, they haven't matured and you don't know what defects they may have or develop.

Waiting until their second, third or fourth heat is better.

Good luck!