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Too Old for First Whelp?

18 13:34:53

I have a 5 lb poodle that was pregnant at age 4 and "reabsorbed" the pups.  She is now 7 yrs and in season.  Is she too old to breed for a first litter.   I don't want to risk her health for the sake of a puppy from her but would let her have pups if there is no added risk due to her age.

My question is why would you WANT to breed a female that is 7?  If she's absorbed her first litter there is no guarantee that it won't happen again.

I'm of the opinion that 7 is too old for a breeding female. Breeding changes the personality of the female, there is the health risk to not only her but her pups, to a cherished family pet, I wouldn't take the chance.