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scab on puppys back

18 13:40:15

hi Denise
yesterday I noticed a scab on one of the puppies back near the base of her tail, she is 6 days old. They all seem fine and have all nearly doubled their birthweight, can't really see what it is as it is on the black fur about the size of a pea, do you think it is anything to be worried about?

Hi Faye:

Hmm, this is a puzzle. Without being able to physically see the scab I'm unsure of what to say. As long as all the puppies are eating & seem fine, I'd assume this is nothing about which to be overly concerned. For now, just keep an eye on the area & note if it seems to get bigger or change in any way. Chances are it's simply some mild skin irritation & will resolve itself in a short time.