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overdue corgi

18 13:42:20

Hi, i have a 5 yr old Welsh Corgi and we bred her at the end of nov. she had a successful tie on november 30th 2007,that lasted for 25 minutes.she was in the second week of her heat and i estimated her due date anywhere between January 30th 2008 to February 3rd 2008. She still has not gone into labor and is producing milk. she has had some slight thick clear liquid discharge about 4 days ago. i don't know how to check her temp. she has also dry heaved a couple of times, but still nothing. I have placed both my hands on her belly while she was laying on her side and i can feel what i believe to be one puppy like lump . can she be pregnant or would this be a false pregnancy. she has had one litter previously with a successful tie of 10 minutes that produced 4 healthy pups with no complications what so ever. please help.

Hi Kerie

What is it about waiting for puppies (two legged or four legged) that make a normally sane and even tempered people go crazy?

Sooooo, if your female was bred on the 30th of November...and lets say (for the sake of argument) that she ovulated on the 5 of December (eggs take 7 days to mature ...and sperm can live for 5 days) -- and assuming she is going 64 days and not 72 (which is completely within the realm of possibility).  She is still within whelping days.  

With the mucus plug starting to drain, things should be moving along.  To ease your mind, you can take her to the vet for x-rays, or you can get a good book, and make a cup of tea, and wait it out.

Good luck!