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breeding my bitch

18 12:00:02

Hi I tried to mate my bitch on the twelfh day of her cycle the 14th  and 17th day,she is a beautiful tempered yellow lab that is very friendly with all dogs,but when she realised the male just didnt want to play she turned nasty,she was growling,barking , he couldnt even look at her.
Do you think that i could have missed ovalation or that she is just not interested in been a mum.thanks for your time

Hi Anne

Was she growling and barking because he wouldn't perform?   

If the male you used was shy, inexperienced or plain intimidated by her, that would be a problem.

Another thought would be, maybe she wasn't ready. She could ovulate late, or early.  

You can do two things to see if you missed her cycle, do a progesterone test at the vet, or find an experienced male and his response will give you an idea if she's receptive.

Good luck