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I think my dogs pregnant!

18 13:33:16

QUESTION: I have a cocker spaniel who went into heat around July. When we went to go get her from outside our neighbors dog was with her! We noticed no difference in her up until a few weeks ago. She started looking thicker and her nipples became more pronounced. Then last week milk started coming out of her nipples. When she's standing up she really doesn't look pregnant, it's when she lays down that her stomach looks larger. She also hasn't been interested in her dog food lately. Oh she'll come if we're cooking steak and she'll eat an egg if you give it to her, but she doesn't seem to want her dog food. Her vaginal area is also larger. We're getting a vet appointment made, but I'm going bananas over here just wondering. So in the mean time, does it sound like she is pregnant? Is it normal for milk to come so early (this is her first and last litter)? Till we see the vet how should I try and get her to eat? If she is pregnant I don't want her to lose her strength. Oh and that reminds me, she will no longer chase after her tennis ball, and she loves that thing. Thank you in advance for your input!

ANSWER: Hi Jessica. When was she bred? If she went into heat in July, and was bred anytime in July, then she should've already had her pups, or be super close to having them. Every dog is different in how they present themself while pregnant. Your girl is definitely giving pregnant signs off. However, there is a thing called false pregnancy, when a dog goes into heat, and then thinks that it is pregnant even though she's not. It can be really confusing, as the dog can get milk in, and may even have contractions. If she is pregnant, she should be close to delivering. The not wanting to eat, not interested in playing, wanting to lay around, all normal as long as she's not running a temp. You can try to get her to eat some, but don't use a lot of human food to tempt her. Try some soft dog food instead, or cooked hamburger meat. The best thing that I can tell you is to get her into the vet and have some x-rays done. They will tell you for sure if she's pregnant or not. Can you feel any pups in there?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh my the changes a couple of days will have. We now have no doubt our Bella is pregnant. It seemed like overnight her belly grew. We are now able to feel pups. You can actually see her stomach move sometimes. My husband did correct me and knows that the time frame was more late July maybe the first few days in August. Thanks for all your information and being so nice. Oh another thing. I want to start taking her temp, but I have never done it before. How far in the the thermometer need to be in? We do go and see the vet on Fri. I've done some research on the after care of the pups and mom, but is there a website you like were I could get some more info. Thanks again! Jessica

Hi! Just insert the thermometer in about an inch, but make sure she doesn't sit down, and hold the end of it really good so it doesn't go back up inside of her. Sure, I have a few great links that will help. Let me know if I can help with anything else.  a great one!  has a lot of good links.
www.  another great one.