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Boxer Labor

18 13:34:27

My boxer is about three years of age and she is having her second litter. Her first litter was just one female, but now after six hours shes had eight pups. I would like to know how to prepare myself for so many and if any will die. Also is it normal to have dark blue liquid and blood during labor ?

Hi Alex

First are you sure the liquid isn't black?  Blood and after birth is normal. Black liquid indicates a problem.  

Has she had all her pups? You'll want to ensure that all the placenta's and the afterbirth have been expelled.  You may want to ask your vet for a dose of oxytocin to clean her out, tighten her uterus and bring in her milk.

Mother Nature has a way of ensuring the species survive so other than keeping the dam and her pups in a safe environment, a whelping box is best.  To help your female with care, rotate the pups every 30 - 45 minutes.  Let half the litter nurse and get cleaned and put the other half in a warming box. After 24 hours when the dam's milk is down and she's well rested, she should be able to handle the entire litter.

Good luck