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breeding my Boston Terrier was

18 13:34:27

Hi Renee~
My nine month old female Boston has been in heat for about 9 days. I have heard that it's best to wait until her second heat or until she's older to breed her. I wasn't aware that the second ten days of her heat is when they are most likely to mate?? I saw my male Boston breed her twice in one day (on her 8 or 9th day) so I separated them.  If she did concern is for her well being. Is she too young? What should I do at this point.

Thank you very much~

Hi Carrie. It's best to wait until the dog is about two years of age to breed. Most breeders try on days 11 and 13, or on days 12 and 14 of the heat cycle. She is really young. Unless you catch them within 24-48 hours of the mating, the mis-mate shot is out of the question. Now, you have two choices: let her have them, or have her spayed. I would suggest taking her to the vet for a check up. Make sure that your girl doesn't have any health issues that could harm her with the pregnancy or whelping. Don't let her get fat, and make sure she gets plenty of exercise. I would do an x-ray after day 50, if she is pregnant, to see about how many to expect and if there are any really big ones in there that could cause problems, like a c-section. At the first sign of trouble, get her to the vet. Because she is so young, you also have to prepare yourself to take care of the pups just in case she can't/won't. She may not even be pregnant, but treat her like she is until you know for sure that she isn't. On day 28 you can take her in to the vet and let him palpate her to see if he feels any puppies. I really can't tell you what to do with your dog.:-) If she is a valuable breeding dog, then your only option now would be to let her try to have them. If you don't want puppies, or ever want her to have puppies, then I would get her spayed.