Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 1 week old dachshund puppy is lethargic and wont stop crying.

1 week old dachshund puppy is lethargic and wont stop crying.

18 13:26:53

We had a litter of 4 dachshund puppies on the 17th of june. All has been going well until last night the only female of the litter started crying non stop and her belly is super firm. The mama dog doesn't seem to interested in this little pup. I have stimulated the little pup to make her go potty, which has worked. The poop was well formed and yellowish brown color. Her tummy is not as bloated, but she still cries. I tried bottle feeding her but she wont latch on. Also we have gotten her to latch on to mama but the mom gets up and pulls her off.
At a loss of what to do next... How often do we need to stimulate her to go potty? should we try an enema?

Hi Crystal

She's to young for an enema.  I would recommend a low dosage of amoxicillian or a light de-wormer.

She needs to be stimulated every 1/2 hour. Momma's milk is the best so holding the female down while the pup feeds is what is needed.  You can then take her out and keep her separate after she's full up.  Let have a 1/2 hour of feeding and an hour away time.  

If she gets better the dam may welcome her back.