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Heat cycle pattern after whelping

18 13:30:27


I have a very healthy cross bred bitch who had 7 very healthy pups on 4th
October 2008 when she was just two years old. She has had 2 heat cycles
since we owned her and they have been 6 months apart. As yet she has not
had a heat and something made me wonder if the heat cycle resumes 6
monthly from when her pups were born or is it 6 monthly regardless of

ANSWER: Hello Amanda

Typically a season will begin again within the same time frame. 6 months after her last heat.  However, that being said, fluctuating weight and hormones can delay it a few weeks or a month.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I was wondering what your opinion is of the oral contraceptives for

ANSWER: I view oral contraceptives for dogs in the same light as Neuticles.  Not favorably.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Neuticles? Main reason?

Neuticles are fake testicles for dogs that have been neutered.   

The main reason I disapprove is when you start messing around with Mother Nature, you can't predict side effects?  Oral Contraception in dogs is something new without a history of scientific data to back it up for either the pros or the cons.  

In 25 years of breeding, I've never had a female get bred by "accident". Plain on diligence the part of the breeder is what is required to stop accidental breedings.  But that's just my opinion.