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Doubt of Pregnancy

18 13:32:40

Hi!! Thank you in advance for attending my answer!!
I want to tell you about my beagle, she's 2 years old, and I breed her in September; I left her with the sire's owners for a few days, and i received her in September 8th, so, she must have 49-52 days by now.
I took her to the vet when she was 35 days, and the vet just said that her belly was "occupied". By now she has gotten wider in her middle abdomen, mainly in the last segment of the rib cage, and her lower abdomen near the rear legs is hanging a little more. Her teats are now more developed, and you can feel like the glands under them, but there hasn't been milk release.
What I'm confused about is her "size", because she hasn't gained very much weight, and i think that by now she should be bigger. I don't know if it is related to her probable litter size, the date of pregnancy, her breed or anything else, I'd like to know what to do or what to expect.
Thank you!!

Hi. Every girl is different. Some girls who carry large litters may not get big until the last week. If she's carrying small pups, that would also explain why she's not that big yet. Some girls carry their pups up higher until closer to time to whelp than others, also making her look like she hasn't gained much weight. I'd wait a few days and then have an x-ray done. As for the milk, again, they're all different. Some get their milk in a week before they whelp, some a few days, and some wait until they whelp before getting their milk in. If I can help with anything else, let me know!