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dog has been in labor for 13 hours

18 13:33:14

My dog has been in labor since about 13 hours. Found her nesting last night. It is 62 days since she bred. There has been some clear discharge, she has not tried to push yet. Temperature went from 101.0 to 97.7. she has been laying down just breathing heavy than at times getting up and panting,shivering,shaking. Let her out twice to urinate, no pushing. She was seeking out a spot out there. Than i brought her back to her whelping box about 8 hours into this she also ripped up all the wee wee pads in the whelping box and nested and licked her vulva and nipples. Any advice?

Hi Nick. The first part of labor can last up to 24 hours. As long as she doesn't have a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, or doesn't have contractions without producing a puppy, then she's ok. You can try to give her some melted vanilla icecream or beef broth as a pick me up. I'd call your vet and make sure he knew she was in the first stage of labor just in case you need him. This is the hard part, waiting.:-) It sounds like she's doing good, but call your vet if you're not sure. If I can help with anything else let me know!