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Breeding and Attitude Adjustment

18 13:41:13

We have two English Bull Terriers a stud and a bitch. They have recently started to get in fights with each other. We love them both and don't want to get rid of either one but we are desperate to get help to better their attitudes. We are looking forward to breeding them but we need to know if we can do it safely. PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank you,

Bull Terriers are very territorial and do tend to be other dog aggressive if not handled correctly. There are solutions to your problem, but they are not simple and easy. It's up to you to implement them.You can have a harmonious life with your dogs, but it's all up to you :). It begins with power walking your dogs forty five minutes every single day, at heel. That is an absolute necessity in establishing pack order believe it or not. Obedience classes are also VERY helpful and productive, though they can be quite a challenge with Bull Terriers, in the end it's most worth it.
Try to pick up Cesar Milan's Be The Pack Leader, should be every dog owners instruction manual on living with dogs successfully. Meanwhile go to Alpha Boot Camp on the web and you will find detailed explanations and instructions on how to establish and maintain pack order in your home, with YOU as leader. Your dogs WILL establish pack order with or without you. But likely being Bulls, they will never agree on which one is boss and you will have continued issues and probably injuries. YOU yourself need to be pack leader in your home. You will find when that happens there will be no need, in your dogs minds for them to argue or posture.
Good luck,