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Is it infection or miscarriage

18 11:56:52

My female Labrador was mated 15 days back, during mating the inner skin of her vagina tore and there was light bleeding. The same was treated with a spray called 'D-Mag'. Now she is bleeding again and there was a string like discharge after we gave her 'OFLOBID 200'. We consulted our vet again and this time he prescribed 'PROLUTON DEPOT(HYDROOXYPROGESTRONE)'for doubtful miscarriage. She was also given 'STYPTOVIK AND AUGMENTANE' for possible infection. Otherwise she is healthy and active and also has a good appetite. She is not even in pain and still loves to play like any Labrador.

Hi Vivek

What she got was a bunch of antibiotics. Depending on the dosage of all you mentioned it sounds a bit like overkill to me.

I've never heard or used "D-Mag" so I'm not sure what that would be used for or why it would used in conjunction with the antibiotics.

I believe that a low dose of antibiotics for 7 - 10 days prior to whelping is a good idea. But once breeding has commenced everything is suspect.

The only way to tell what was up, is to wait it out to see if she took.  That being said, I would still do x-rays after day 50 to ensure the pups have no ill effects of the drugs.

Good luck