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post cesarean care in pug

18 13:42:09

My pug was delivered by cesarean 48 hours ago. She is 16 months old, doing very well so far. She is mothering 4 puglets wonderfully. A couple of questions. How long befor I should worry about her having a bowel movement. She hasnt really tried yet. After she pees if you tell her to go poop she goes to the other side of the yard, makes 4 circles and comes back to the house. The other question...She has periods of heavy panting. I assume these are post natel contractions. This afternoon they were quite strong for about a half hour. Is this normal and how long does this go on? thank you

It's normal, especially after pups have nursed or during. Check her temp, which should be close to 101. If she has a fever, contact your vet. If she hasn't gone poo by today DO contact your vet for safe alternatives to help her potty. You can try giving her some canned dog food or a bit of mineral oil, just be careful not to give too much as it will pass through the milk to the babies,
What a great mom you are for asking questions and being concerned about your girl.
Congratulations on your litter!