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female just had pups

18 13:28:08

QUESTION: My female had pups a week ago and bleeding heavy and has given the pups fleas

ANSWER: Hi Julia

Is this her first, second or ?? litter?  How many was in the litter, how old is she?

A female should be in top physical and mental health prior to breeding, and that includes de-worming and rid of all parasites including fleas.

Fleas carry all kinds of nasty things.  What you have to do is de-worm and get rid of the fleas ASAP!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is her first litter there was 4  in the litter. She is in good physical shape. She didn't have the fleas prior to having the pups but got them when she went outside after she had her pups so how do we get rid of them

A product like Advantage given to the female and flea baths for everyone.  You have to clean and disinfect the entire whelping area, pillows, blankets, floors, carpets, everything has to be vacuumed (then throw the bag out immediately), and wiped down.   After that, take your clothes off and put them immediately into the wash machine.

The bleeding could be the result of her tightening up.