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French bulldog whelping

18 11:59:08

Basic rule is check temp and when it gets at or near 97 she is ready to whelp. If the temp is consistently 99.3 or 99.5 how quickly can it drop. We are taking temp morning and night. She is just at the beginning of her possible due date range. No other signs such as nesting, should we be taking temp more often?? If so what is a good schedule???

Hi Lila

Personally, I'm not a fan of checking temperatures unless you know what your females temperature is when she's not carrying. And even then, there are so many outside variables that can change a body temperature, everything from sitting in the sun to drinking water.

The hardest thing is to sit back and let Mother Nature do her thing.  Nesting and panting are all signs but 99% of females will quit eating and "bury" their food dishes 12 - 24 hours prior to whelp.  You will notice that most females will sit up more and appear to "listen" to the sounds of their stomachs.