Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pomeranian very overdue

pomeranian very overdue

18 12:00:32

QUESTION: hello there pls i need some help as my vet is not iv got a Pomeranian bitch how is very overdue she is on her 67 day i take her to the vet because she had black discharge coming from her  the vet examiner her she was open this was 7th august and she said to me she would have her puppies in the next 24 hours and if she did not have them buy Saturday morning then bring her back i did i see another vet and she just said to leave her I'm get woured what shod i do pls help
many thanks

ANSWER: Hi. I would find a different vet, or go back to the first one. Any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy is not good and needs to be checked out. You may be looking at a c-section here. Either way, get her to a good vet asap. Be forceful if you have to, get an x-ray done if you can. Sometimes you have to get a little demanding when it comes to your dog. Well, be nice but demanding.:-) Please let me know how it turns out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi thanks very much i take her to my mum's vet they did a c-section on her she had 6 puppy but now she will not go near them every time i put them on her she moves away from them and wines pls help me i don't now what to do
many thanks

Hi. I'm glad that everyone is ok, great job on finding a different vet. This is actually pretty normal behavior in dogs that have a c-section. First thing, get some bottles and puppy formula just in case. Second, try to gently hold mom down so the pups can nurse. You'll have to 'poop' them and clean them for now. She may decide after a bit that she'll take care of them herself, she may just need to get use to the whole deal. Third, you can try to run some of mom's milk on them, they will get her smell, and she may be more apt to care for them. This is about all you can do. If after a few days she still doesn't want anything to do with them, then you'll have to care for them yourself. if I can help with anything else, let me know.