Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Momma Chihuahua with inverted nipples.

Momma Chihuahua with inverted nipples.

18 13:29:58

QUESTION: Hello My Chihuahua gave birth sunday night monday morning, she had 5 babies her chest looks like it has milk but only four nipples are out, the other four are flat. She has (I think) milk ozzing out of two of the ones that are flat but the babies can not get ahold of them. Is there anything that I can do to get them out? From yesterday to today the babies 1 through 4 gained from 5 to 18 grams but number 5 dropped 18 grams is there something I can feed her or should I wait. She was one of the larger ones yesterday and today she is tied with one of the smallest. How much should the gain each day? Should I be as worried as I am or am I over reacting? We don't have an emergancy vet here so I can not take them to the vet until tom. and even then it will be late afternoon when I can get her there due to work (not a pet friendly boss).

Thank you for any advice.

ANSWER: Hi Valerie.  It is normal for puppies to double their birth weight in the first week or so after birth, and it is never a good sign when one loses weight.  There is a product, that can be purchased at most pet supply stores, called K-9 Puppy Gold that I like.  This is a power that you need to mix with water, according to the instruction on the can, and start feeding any of the puppies that are not gaining weight.  You can also sprinkle the powder on the mommy dogs food, which will supply her with extra vitamins during lactation.

Concerning the flat nipples,  Try pinching one of the nipples to see if you can stimulate swelling.  If so, then place a puppy on the nipple and hopefully the sucking action will stimulate more swelling.  If this works, then you can try it with the other flat nipples.

If the above doesn't work out (sometimes it does, and other times it doesn't) then there is not much that can be done about it.  Sometimes, as the puppies grow, they will become more adventurous and try the flat nipples on their own.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny Diloreto

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your help. I was able to take the dogs to the vet today. Mom is now on antibiotics, and calcium supplements, and I have been instructed to feed the puppies two to three times a day to give mom a break. The one that lost the weight is the only one the vet could not check for a cleft palate because it is so hungry it would try to suckle when he put his finger in. Anyway my fear is that is her problem because when I tried to feed her the milk came out her nose. I will of course call the vet in the morning but if anyone has any experience with this kind of thing I would love the advise. My normal vet is out of town and I am not real comfortable with the one that saw them today, he did not even weigh the puppies. From what I saw online a cleft palate is a near death sentence for the pup, I hate the idea of loosing her so anything I can do to save her I will try.

Hi Valerie.  I'm sorry for the delay in replying to your follow-up question.  I am having a new floor installed in my house, and for some reason I keep loosing my internet connection.

It is normal for milk to come out of the puppies nose while they nurse.  Possibly the hole in the bottle you are using is a bit too large.

Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny Diloreto