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French bulldog pregnantcy

18 13:32:21

Hello their, My frenchie is 60 days in to her pregnantcy. Her temperature has dropped from 99 degrees to 97 and she has started to nest in her whelping box. How long should I wait to see if she is going to be able to give birth her self. I have heard that it is rare for this breed to give natural birth and that a C section is almost always needed. What are the signs to look for if she can't give natural birth. I'll appreciate a response. Thank you

Hi. You are correct, French Bulldogs rarely give birth naturally. I would call your vet and let her know that she has started labor so that he can be on stand by in case you need him. Signs that you need to watch out for: colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy. Trying to push a puppy out for over 15 minutes, and not being able to. Over 2 hours between pups, if this happens put a call in to your vet. I know that people like to let their dog try to have the pups naturally, but when you have a breed that is as prone to sections as this breed is, you really need a vet on stand by. Good luck.