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How much time should lapse between breeding?

18 13:48:23

Hi!  I have a pair of apricot toy poodles...I bought them specifically to breed and to have nice family dogs, too.  I purchased my poodles from Koedam Kennels in Iowa...they came to me via airplane.  My female (Princess Saraphina) has given birth to 6 healthy puppies...all of the pups were male.  Her first two litters came from her second and third heat...9 months passed between these first two heats (litters).  It is now 6 months following her last litter...and I am making every effort to keep these poodles separated...well, I took her to the vet and she was given a shot less than 24 hours after they hooked up several days make a long story short...Prince Charming (my 7 year old daughter named the poodles) got her again.  I am hoping that her fertile period is over...she has been in heat for at least two vet said that her heat would go longer from the shot.  My only concern is that it may be too soon for another litter...I mean she's perfectly healthy, but only turned two this past February.  My neighbor is telling me that I should have her spayed if she is expecting again (after she has them) because her uterus is likely to begin to fall...drop.  Should I be concerned?  Is there anything that I can do if she is preg. again?  I will anxiously await your reply...Thanks so much!


Hi Christine

So to clarify, she's 2 and had 3 litters or the all male litter was her second litter?  Sorry, I'm just not clear on that.

Most females shouldn't be bred until their second heat, or until they are at the very least 14 months old.  With every litter, it takes more and more out of her and is harder not only only dam but on any pups.   

Did your vet mention that the "morning after" shot is hard on the system and your female may never have pups again?

Regardless, you need to fix either the male or the female.